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Digital Gallery


Shop Presence for your artwork

Make art and let us manage the heavy lifting

Inclusion in our digital gallery

The traditional route for selling art, whether this is a painting, sculpture, or ceramics etc. is to:

  • find a gallery who would show your collection
  • attend craft fairs or local/national shows
  • pursuade shop owners to sell your work
  • create a website
  • use social media

That is a lot of work.

Now image your work being viewed by thousands of people without you having to do all that leg work.

Join Domhnall Art Gallery for a small monthly fee and we will create  YouTube short videos for 4 pieces of your art and upload to our digital gallery for a greater footfall than you will see in a physical gallery.


Views 09.05.22

Views 15.05.22

Views 21.05.22

Views 06.06.22

Views 11.06.22

FREE inclusion in the shop

As exhibitors (does not include emerging artists) your art will be included in the shop.  Beautifully crafted product pages to promote your art for sale.

Each exhbibiting artist will have their own page in the shop with their art.  For additional fees you can add more of your art to the shop and on your page.


Community Website

As a member our community you will have access to the communities website.  Here you will find like minded people and a safe place to share your struggles, hopes and dreams.

Included in the website is: events calendar, useful articles, a forum, FAQs, support and a jobs page for the times that you have a task but not the skill.

Future Development

We have a vision which you can learn more about in the community website.  Part of that vision is to support you on your artist journey if you would like support.

This includes participating: in a pop up style gallery, taking part in an online auction, being part of the ‘meet the artist’ series’ and much more. 

Emerging Artists

To dip your toe in the water
£5/one time only
  • 1 item of artwork in our gallery
  • Not included in the shop
  • Not part of the marketing cycle
  • No access to the community website